Author Archives: Ryan Orrock
Thinking about Sex
“It is sexual energy which governs the structure of human feeling and thinking.” – Wilhelm Reich I think about sex all the time. No. I don’t mean that way. (or just that way…) I also think of it in a societal way. As in, … Continue reading
How I found out the World is Flat
It’s obvious, really, in retrospect. Isn’t it? So obvious that, during the remote healing session as I was surfing at the same time (naughty me!), I started to tell Sunny. “Oh my God!” “Oh my god! “OH MY GOD!” She … Continue reading
Everything is Abundant I/x
I’m going to start with natural resources. Oil. Gas. Water. Sunlight. Coal. Infinite. Whatever people need to be happy on this world, there is an abundance of. It is infinite. Doesn’t matter how long you shower. Doesn’t matter how much gas … Continue reading
Getting a Demon Out (2/x)
When you first start meeting demons, you don’t know what to do. My teacher neither believed in them nor had any experience with them. I know, because I asked. So I was kinda on my own. With some old horror … Continue reading
The First Demon I met (1/x)
So. I had quite the faith crisis when I left the Mormon church. I knew I had been lied to. That was demonstrable. And I wasn’t happy. So I left. With it, all my ‘knowing’ about god, and everything else … Continue reading