Author Archives: Ryan Orrock
012-Overcoming Labels, Beliefs, and Concepts
[powerpress] How do our ideas about how the world works keep us back from truly experiencing and living in the world? How do labels and concepts separate rather than connect us, from ourselves, each other, and the universe? How are … Continue reading
011 – Avoiding ‘White Knight’ Syndrome
[powerpress] Do you feel like you are doing all the rescuing in your relationships? How is that goin for ya? 😉 Exhausting? Looking for a new way? White knight syndrome is one name of many for the tendency of beginning … Continue reading
Housing in Harmony with You
Of our basic needs, nothing is more important than our shelter, our housing. Most people who die in the wilderness do so because they can’t regulate body temperature, meaning, that they cannot find or create shelter before they either freeze … Continue reading
010-The Future of Education NOW! IRDI-Doversity Radio
[powerpress]***This is a MUST-LISTEN PODCAST*** Once unemployed, college graduates and those with advanced degrees are as likely as high-school dropouts to remain unemployed. 1 in 2 graduates under 25 is un- or under-employed. And, they are saddled with more debt … Continue reading
009 – A Discussion With Sam Dodge on Paradigm Shifts
Sam Dodge is a poet, a thinker, and a builder both in the conventional sense and ecologically and in community. His writings (see the link above to go to his FB page) stir the soul and his thoughts range from … Continue reading