Author Archives: Ryan Orrock
What is philosophy? What are philosophers? Why are they?
A philosopher is someone who is constantly concerned with *how* to live. In other words: what is the right way? Not because of authority, but because it is our inner truth. And he shares and talks about that a lot? … Continue reading
How to Find Truth (and why it’s so hard)
Finding truth feels mortally and existentially threatening. Remember when Socrates took the boy out into the river who was looking for truth? What would you answer to these questions? 1. If you were being lied to and deceived—even by people … Continue reading
ConSpiriCast 002 (020)
This is basically me barfing out truth because I can’t hold it in anymore. Warning: VERY EXPLICIT themes. Also, naughty words. A survey of lies we believe. Especially talking about horrific abuse and abusers and why it/they are protected.
The 420 Solution for Sexual Freedom
How do we get the laws changed around free sexual association and family creation for consenting adults? The 420 Solution baby!
The Revolution Begins
In which I discuss how much I learned about sex in Europe, how much we still have to learn in the US, and what I and perhaps you are going to do about it.