Author Archives: Ryan Orrock
Why Energy is not Enough – The Case for Spirituality
Many of us, whether involved in alternative healing and natural health, shamanism, Eastern philosophy, or other ‘new-age’ pursuits are working to ‘clear our energy bodies’, develop energetic power, be able to heal, see more clearly, inspire, develop community, and find … Continue reading
Commitment to Christ Consciousness
Of all the figures in the entire history of the world, the one who inspires me most is Jesus. His amazing life. His groundbreaking teachings. His willingness to stand fast though the entire power of the status quo was arrayed … Continue reading
My Books are now Available on Amazon
I am very happy to announce that my book: The Total Man and Complete Woman is finished and now available at Amazon both for Kindle and in soft cover. The Kindle version is available here: The Total Man and Complete … Continue reading
Are Gurus Good?!?
I was watching ‘Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition’ last night and had some thoughts… This extremely fat woman (355 lbs) wrote this fitness guru asking for his help in losing weight. So he shows up and takes her on. She … Continue reading
23: Starting and Stopping the Journey
“And many go back; then they never turn within again. As I see it, every one of you have tried in some life or other some meditative technique. You have been near to the nothingness, and then fear gripped you … Continue reading