V: Becoming One with the Master
This relates to the concept of feminine receptivity in the last post. When you are open, truly open, you are not filtering, judging with the mind.Deciding what is right and wrong. What you will accept and what you will reject. You are “testing everything, and holding fast to that which is good“. We doubt. And by ‘doubt’, Osho here means that we refuse to even consider or try the new path, idea, or concept. How often do we reject a new idea, a new thought, a new practice or even a new person simply because it is different or new? More often than we would admit. Instead, when we find a master, when we find a teacher, when we find a path, we cannot know what that teacher or path will give us until we fully step into it. Surrender. Go in. Open. This, however, is one of the most difficult things for us to do because it challenges everything we thought we knew and were up to this point. |