The Main Issue: Domination and Authority

We live in a world created for us by our culture.  Here, world doesn’t refer to the planet. It refers to how we see things.

Our culture’s primary doctrine is the domination system.

In a domination system, we tell others ‘below us’ what to do. Parents command children. Bosses command employees. Generals command soldiers. Lawmakers command the populace. The domination system is built on one central idea:

  “1) There is a right way to do things and 2) someone knows what that is.” (Marshall Rosenberg)

If we accept this idea, then the only question left is whose domination we will accept.

Who knows what is best for us? Our priest? Our president? Our king? Our father?

Most of the time, when we move towards so-called ‘freedom’, we simply substitute one ruler in our lives for another. Even when we try to live ‘our inner truth’, we find what we seem to want from moment to moment is contradictory, confusing, and the results of looking for it frightening.

The idea of “the right way” is so deeply ingrained in us in so many ways, dropping it is a monumental task.

The patriarchal system of the past 5000 years or so has also, in its determination of what is right, fundamentally denied all persons (but especially women) their power.

My work is dedicated to the opening and rediscovery of our inner power individually so that we can reclaim our power and build a better world together.

Several forms of healing, consciousness and awareness expansion can be used for this.

And perhaps the fastest way to do this is through meditations, such as those found in the Vigyan Bhairav tantra.

Once we have dropped the bonds holding us back in our power, we can begin exercising our energetic flexibility and power in getting what we want (meeting our core needs) in this world.

This will enable us all to work from a level of openness and completion that was previously known only to very few.

About Ryan Orrock

Ryan works with power and sexuality to help people get what they want.

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