Our Current Projects to Change the World…
First, we are creating a healing tantric temple in the San Francisco Bay area where men and women can come to learn how to release guilt, shame, and fear around their bodies, their sexuality, and their very life energy. Here they will learn to overcome emotional and mental blocks toward healing and wholeness, guided by systems of healthy archetypes and ancient and modern wisdom. The temple will facilitate teaching in the form of sessions, classes, workshops, and rituals as well as healings utilizing energy and touch in all its forms, and create a space or space(s) where all this can happen. Second, we are using the power of the temple to manifest a retreat/workshop space and healing center outside of the San Francisco Bay area for longer retreats. Third, we will be creating an entire loving eco-village community based around the concepts of consciousness and non-violence that have been lost and must be re-established in this world. The final result of this will be rolling out these ideas to 10,000 villages/communities who are devoted to deepening consciousness and awakening through applying the principles of peace, non-violence, and love we have re-learned in our first village community experiments. If you want to support or participate…contact us!