Becoming Truly Total

“A child even in anger and violence is total. His face becomes radiant and beautiful; he is here and now. His anger is not something concerned with the past or something concerned with the future, he is not calculating, he is just angry. The child is at his center. When you are at your center you are always total.

Whatsoever you do will be a total act; good or bad, it will be total. When you are fragmentary, when you are off-center, your every act is bound to be a fragment of yourself.

You can live at the maximum — then life is an overflowing. But then there will be difficulty. You cannot be a husband, you cannot be a wife, if life is overflowing.

Everything will become difficult.

If life is overflowing, love will be overflowing. Then you cannot stick to one. Then you will be flowing all over; all dimensions will be filled by you. And then the mind feels danger, so it is better not to be alive. The more you are dead, the more you are secure.

The more you are dead, the more everything is in control. You can control; then you remain the master. You feel that you are the master because you can control. You can control your anger, you can control your love, you can control everything. But this
controlling is possible only at the minimum level of your energy.”

Only as we release this control over our energy and enter our totality can we be truly complete.

About Ryan Orrock

Ryan works with power and sexuality to help people get what they want.