Spark Foundation

The SPARK (Sexuality Professionals are Really Kickingass — or maybe we’ll find another name or acronym šŸ˜‰ Foundation is the core of a new movement to revolutionize sexuality and relationships in the US and the world.

Instead of individual teachers, coaches, therapists, movement-makers, and healers working alone and having to find solutions for every part of their businesses with little support–and often distracted and wasting time and money with the ‘next big thing’ sold by savvy internet marketers– SPARK is a cooperative of members who are committed to transforming sexuality and intimacy in the world through more openness, better communication, improved skills whileĀ reducing shame, fear, and guilt around sexuality.

Joining SPARK provides the following benefits for members:

  • Free access or massively reduced pricesĀ for trainings, courses, and continuing education in their own profession, for their own businesses
  • Coordinated professional development with the best practices in the industry
  • Two retreats per year with the best and the brightest in the industry
  • Discounts on support work, coaching, and consulting with SPARK members (50% off with Ryan, for example)
  • In time, the ability to access financing through our trusted network and “SPARK Bank” (being founded) for initiatives and businesses relating to sexuality and intimacy
  • Decision making power for investments and selection of additional members


