Relationship Hot Seats

RelationshipBuildingRelationships and relating are some of the most complex topics to deal with in modern society.

Few people enjoy long-term, stable, happy relationships.

How our parents and grandparents lived relating doesn’t seem to work for us and we need new models and concepts to move not just to ‘function’ but to ‘thriving success’ in relating.

Join us as we examine…

  • What principles make relating ‘tear-free’
  • How to eliminate the effects of blame, shame, guilt and fear in relating
  • Cultural attitudes about relating that may or may not be relevant or useful in the present
  • Learning to relate in connection instead of separation

The first half of the evening is dedicated to a discussion of one aspect of relating. The second is dedicated to ‘relationship hot seats’ where you get to bring your personal problems and issues to the table for discussion.

Ryan Orrock, relationship coach and creator of will help you sort through this complex area of living to get the relationships that you desire on any level.

When: Mondays, 7 PM (Next one Jan 7, 2013)

Where: Berkeley, CA — Venue dependent upon number of attendees (RSVP necessary for first-time attendees)

What to Bring: Water, Meditation cushion to sit on

Who: Anyone 18+

Cost: First-time attendees by donation. Standard: $25

Sign-up/RSVP: At this meetup page
