Playing together / Working togetherIf you read what people say, you will see that people had many of their most powerful growth experiences in our work together. Why? Because being around me may be the most challenging thing you can do to your current state of being. I guess it’s better than death, cancer or serious illness, abusive painful relationships, financial catastrophe, or any of the many other ways that ‘the universe/God/our Higher Self’ sends wakeup calls that we can often avoid and/or minimize through opening to change. Compared to those things, working with me is easy. Of course, the beautiful, positive effects of working together are pretty awesome as well. If you like the sound of that, we may be a fit. It also helps if you are a sensitive person—empath, healer, someone who serves and helps others naturally. This is where I come from. I do require three things of you:
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Applying to Work TogetherIf you would like to consider working together, fill out this application and send it to me. After that, we will set up an appointment to talk. I look forward to speaking with you.