Energetic Power: Potential for Growth

You scored between 0-10 points.

This means:

  • You probably have not experienced all the types and depth of orgasms you can as a woman.
  • You probably are not very satisfied with your relating to the opposite sex

Most women who score at your level on the quiz don’t include their e-mail addresses. There may be a lot of feelings connected to the current sexual or life situation.  That is completely understandable.  Only by accepting fully what is now can anything move.

So the best thing to do is to sit or lie down quietly, close your eyes, and breathe with the feelings that come up as you think about your current situation.

As I have done this, putting awareness and intent upon my current feelings, very big things can happen. Instant cramps. Uncontrollable sobbing. Pain all over the body. Anything is possible.

The important first step in healing is what I call this self-empathy process. Allowing oneself to feel and, becoming as an observer or third party watching the feelings within your own body and gently affirming them.

“So you feel x?”

As you do this,  as little as once a week for an hour, major shifts will occur. You must provide yourself with this space and time to feel, however.

There are, of course, many other things that you can do as well. I find this practice, however, to be very powerful if we are currently experiencing dissatisfaction or pain.

Try this a few times and please share with me how it went. It is my wish that you can move through any challenges you are feeling right now and enter your full live, love, and sexual potential.

In admiration,
Bayraba Ven
