Daka Lodge Manifesto


I have been blown away by how many men are showing interest in becoming sacred sexual healers.

And I have spoken to confident, powerful, heart-centered men who already have the skills and experience needed to provide just the kind of healing that is needed for women.

And most of them are having little opportunity to share those skills.

At the same time, I am meeting more and more powerful women who are strong voices in the defense of men. Which I am very happy about.

We hear about “The Patriarchy” all the time, but I have yet to meet a card-carrying member of that organization. We hear that men have all the power. They make the rules in this world.

If that is so, then why are so many men:

  • Deeply unsatisfied and unhappy-3x the suicide rate in the US, up to 6x in other countries
  • Working in jobs they hate
  • Homeless (75-80% of homeless are men)
  • In prison (15 times the female rate- 94%)
  • …the list goes on and on…

Yes, women have serious issues in our society. But the idea that most men are blissfully oppressing women all day is very dangerous to the happiness of us all. It discourages empathy and reduces the flow of love. And it prevents all of us from getting what we want.

Therefore, I have been working with others on how to serve all the men who have been approaching me…asking, “How can I be part of healing the rift between the masculine and the feminine, both in the world and in myself?” (This is my mission, by the way.)

Enter: The Daka Lodge

The Daka Lodge is a place where men can connect to:

  • Heal the wounds they have suffered
  • Learn successful life skills (esp. around relating and finding and living their personal mission)
  • Grow to be powerful sexual healers

Men have been taught competition our whole lives. We are supposed to be ‘powerful’ and ruggedly independent. Unemotional. Stoic even. In reality, men feel just as powerfully as women do. Men are just as interdependent as women. And men have just as varied strengths as women do. In short: Men are people too!

I am standing now for us as men. The messages can’t be any clearer. It’s time.

Join us! You are welcome if, as a man:

  • You want to relate to yourself in a more loving way (heal the self)
  • You wish to serve as a conscious catalyst for wholeness (heal the feminine) and ESPECIALLY IF
  • You see your primary mission as healing the gulf between the masculine and feminine in yourself, in women, and in the world and you have or seek to devote yourself more fully to this path

You know who you are.

We have a special information list for the Daka Lodge available here.

Words are weak in expressing what I feel and how strongly I feel it. Working together, we will succeed. We Will serve. And we will do what we are called to do, the reason we are here. Together.

In brotherhood and strength,

Bayraba Ven / Ryan Orrock

Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/J9Yjf
